Monday, September 6, 2010

Really, Seriously?

So, you see ..... It is the same old **** happening here at the "Crazy" house again!  Why can't there just be a few weeks without some utter b/s going on.  Seriously, I am so ready to move out and hand over my room, so that my poor mom can get some relief.  I mean seriously, economic times are bad.  We are by far no where near rich, we're not poor either, I guess we are the true "middle" class.  But, when you add 2 people, one of which is lazy and could care less that you are working your ass off to provide for them and the other being a b****y teenager (who could also care less you are providing for her), who thinks the world should evolve around her and if it's not her way, then screw you.  I mean really, I NEVER, not once have ever been that way towards my parents.  I mean do they realize that my parents gave them a place to live, puts food in their mouths, provides transportation for BOTH of them to go to school.  But that's the same old crap happening here. 

As for school, I have decided to go back for Phlebotomy and when I am finished, which is only 2 classes, yes I said 2, I will be done and maybe my dear parents can get some relief.  I mean when my uncle is finished with his GED classes, I so hope they move out, so that we can live a normal life again.  But then again, what am I thinking, as long as he can sponge off my mom, there is NO WAY IN HELL is he going to leave! 

But, AUTUMN weather has arrived and I am so LOVING it!  So, bring on all the Fall'ness!  I am ready to get some great pics of the scenery! 

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