Thursday, September 30, 2010

Still Alive!

I am still here!  Just been a very busy, busy girl lately!  I am working overtime at work and running here and there.  Yes, same old crazy stuff happening here.  Getting ready to start back to school in the winter!  Been thinking lots on where my life is going and what I want more than anything in the world.  Things are pretty good!  I love that the weather here is finally starting to feel like fall weather!  The leaves are changing and there is most always a constant Autumn wind blowing.  My mom and I sat on the front porch today, eating supper, just US ..... no one else and it was quite refreshing.  I love her more than life itself sometimes.  I have been blessed with a wonderful mother, well really, two great parents. 

I changed my room around, as I was tired of the old arrangment!  Thinking of painting it again, but have no clue what color.  Maybe a light yellow, light blue.  It is currently a sea mist green color and quite frankly, I am tired of looking at the color!  Ha!  In other news, I think there is something wrong with my car, as it has been making this weird roaring noise and not driving the same, I can feel a difference.  So, probably gonna have to take it in for a good tune up.  Plus, I need to get my air/heat control fixed, as if I don't I will burn up this winter, b/c it is stuck on 3.  Plus, my 5 CD changer is messed up, with my fav. CD's in it in my trunk and the cartridge will NOT come out!  Plus, a few more odds and ends need fixed.  So, as soon as I get the extra cash .... looks like she will get fixed! 

More to come later!  Just wanted to say  --- I am still here and alive and doing well!  God has blessed me so much!  I sometimes forget to thank him and put all trust in him! 

With Love,

- Jenn

Monday, September 6, 2010

Really, Seriously?

So, you see ..... It is the same old **** happening here at the "Crazy" house again!  Why can't there just be a few weeks without some utter b/s going on.  Seriously, I am so ready to move out and hand over my room, so that my poor mom can get some relief.  I mean seriously, economic times are bad.  We are by far no where near rich, we're not poor either, I guess we are the true "middle" class.  But, when you add 2 people, one of which is lazy and could care less that you are working your ass off to provide for them and the other being a b****y teenager (who could also care less you are providing for her), who thinks the world should evolve around her and if it's not her way, then screw you.  I mean really, I NEVER, not once have ever been that way towards my parents.  I mean do they realize that my parents gave them a place to live, puts food in their mouths, provides transportation for BOTH of them to go to school.  But that's the same old crap happening here. 

As for school, I have decided to go back for Phlebotomy and when I am finished, which is only 2 classes, yes I said 2, I will be done and maybe my dear parents can get some relief.  I mean when my uncle is finished with his GED classes, I so hope they move out, so that we can live a normal life again.  But then again, what am I thinking, as long as he can sponge off my mom, there is NO WAY IN HELL is he going to leave! 

But, AUTUMN weather has arrived and I am so LOVING it!  So, bring on all the Fall'ness!  I am ready to get some great pics of the scenery!