I came across a pet listing on Craigslist.org for a local shelter in the state of GA, but it had a heart breaking story to it! There are thousands, upon thousands of pets euthanized in the United Statet every day, simply b/c there is no room for them and the shelters are overflowing with stranded animals! So, I went to this site from Craigslist.org and was outraged at a page I found on this shelters site ...... all of the animal euthanized from this shelter, simply b/c no one wanted them! Link to site ---- http://www.shelterrescueinc.org/id6.html . This saddens me so much. I litterally cried for about 30 minutes while looking at this page. I just believe that there are so many forgotten animals out there that need us. Could you imagine your family pet being lost and picked up by a shelter to only be euthanized. This makes my heart very saddened. I am a animal lover and have 4 dogs. So, to see all of these poor defenseless dogs/puppies/cats/kittens killed for no good reason, outrages me!
So, I ask you, if you are looking to get a pet, PLEASE, PLEASE go to your local animal shelter / pound / animal control and save one of these forgotten angels! If you need links to a local shelter in your area, please comment me and I will find one for you! PLEASE save an animal at your local shelter or if you are looking for a good cause to support, I suggest your local Humane Society or event volunteer at a local shelter. Give anything you can to these shelters. They simply have to euthanize these animals b/c lack of funding. If you love animal like me, please find in your heart to do this for a good cause!
Humane Societ of the US link ----
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